A Samaritan sea captain saved my ancestor, a Russian Imperial Army draft dodger with Cossack bounty hunters hot on his trail. My great-grandfather Jacob fled with his 12-year-old wife-to-be, Rachel and her daughter Leah, a baby in arms not yet a year old. by Terry Walker AS01030724 11 minute read From My Life, in Words […]
Did you ever have a bad day? I mean, a really, really bad day? Trapped in a 5,000-year-old tomb before being snatched out alive, turned a bad day into a great day for the victim and the rescuers. In western Cyprus, one particular September day was not only bad but could have been fatal…except for […]
An act of chivalry becomes a bomb scare and a unique moment in family history with repercussions that stop just short of a hanging… A historic event, for surely the mighty fortress Tower of London has never been abandoned to its fate? By Terry Walker 03032024 8 minute read from My Life, in Words Two […]
A family’s ancestry can take many different turns through time. My “turning” came when, as a determined 16-year-old, I arrived at the crossroads and changed direction without hesitation. I had two feet on the ladder in journalism, and our family history was mapped out. I was on the road to a career I had dreamt […]
Gone to the Costas, but the unique Isle of Man could win back tourists lost to sunnier destinations like Spain, Italy and Greece by marketing its many “differences”. There’s a colony of “Little People” at Fairy Bridge and a 1,000-year lineage back to the ruling Vikings to differentiate the island and spearhead a tourism revival. […]
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